Goxi Co-operative Welfare

About Goxi Co-operative Welfare

Goxi Co-operative welfare product was created primarily for group coverage. Groups such as Co-operatives, Unions, Associations, Clubs, Household Family members, etc can benefit from this product.

Since there may be certain risks that everyone in the union is exposed to, it makes economic sense to purchase coverage as a group.

This product provides welfare arrangement and coverage for members of an association/union thereby lifting that burden from the association.


Why Co-operative Welfare?

Purchasing co-operative insurance allows policyholders to pool together with others who have similar risks to purchase more extensive coverage at a more affordable rate.

Risk Covered

  • Cash
  • Death
  • Permanent Disability

Who is the product for

  • Co-operative
  • Groups
  • Unions
  • Associations
  • Clubs
  • Etc

How to buy this product

  • Throught our sales agent
  • Throught our third party platform
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