Vision Statement

To be the leading provider of insurance products and services that truly enhances the living standard of low-income people.

Our Core Values.


Our Customers always come first
Customers are our focus
Our Customers are the reason


We will continue to bring changes that revolutionise the business of micro insurance


Everything in Goxi is designed to deliver more value to our customers.


Our proposal forms, policy documents and process are simple to understand.


Every promise made is delivered.

Our Products

The list of our products is not exhaustive. As a Microinsurance organization, our products are usually developed to address the specific needs of any group, Associations, Cluster, Communities, etc. Being a Composite Microinsurance, therefore, we offer a different combination of Life and Non-Life products to provide a solution to challenges being faced by our target customers thereby creating values that makes life meaningful to them.

  • Goxi Co-operative Welfare
  • Goxi Agroloan Protection
  • Goxi Ma Business
  • Goxi Tricycle/Okada Business MicroInsurance
  • Goxi Microloan Protection